Monday, May 3, 2010

Back on the Wagon

I survived one full week of eating healthy.  Nothing but healthy, mostly organic, foods and snacks.  And yes, I cheated.  I did.  I had a moment of weakness and gave into some teriyaki take out and a delicious Ice Blended Dark Chocolate Mocha from Coffee Bean!  It was so delicious. Perfect chocolaty sweet bold coffee flavor.  Ahhh.  It's my vice.  But you know, in my book "Body for Life for Women", it says that it is ok to give in every now and again to temptation.  It's good for us, mentally at least.  It's part of the healing process. So, after half a day of self-pity for failing, I picked myself up wiped the left over chocolaty goodness off my face and jumped back on the wagon. 

I'm still not seeing any big results yet, but then again it has only been one week.  Scale says I'm about 5lbs down.  Yay!  I'll take it.


  1. thanks for joining up with the 400 group, following your blog now, just love that daisy design you have here

  2. Yes great for those 5 pounds!!! Really

  3. Hi! Stopping by from MBC. Love your blog.

    Have a nice day!

  4. Following from MBC! Come on by and visit me at!

