Wednesday, April 28, 2010

I Hate My Job

Yes, I hate my job.  I admit it.  It is not exciting, creative, or challenging in any way.  It's a typical boring 8-5 office job and it sucks.  You know, when I was in my 20's I always tooted my own horn about how accomplished I was going to be, and how I would never settle for a comfort job. You know, a comfort job is a job that pays OK, has good benefits, and lets us settle into finding comfort in the security it provides.  It's not our dream job and we daine to wake up to it every day, but we continue to go back day after day, because it's safe.  I certainly can't be the only person out there feeling this way.  I went to a meeting today where people in similar positions to mine were honored with service awards.  5, 10, 15, 20, 25 and even 30 years of service.  The groups got smaller as the number got bigger which was interesting.  As I looked at all those faces standing up there, I did not see one person that I could honestly and happily say to myself, "I could see myself being in their place one day."   It was quite the opposite actually.  Instead I wondered what the heck I need to do to not be one of those people one day.  Even though they were being honored for their years of service, I could just see the look of worn out, tired faces.  Busting their butts (so to speak) to bring home an average salary.  A salary that didn't grow very much over their 20 + years of service.  I don't want to be them.  Thanks, but no thanks.  Ok, so I'm complaining just like most of them probably did at one time.  So what the heck am I going to do about it?   That question remains...

1 comment:

  1. Hi there,
    Just found your blog!
    Here's what you have to do about your job situation: change it!! Now might not be the best time for a big change, with a little one at home, but it's a great time to start making a plan. You don't want to raise your daughter thinking that it's okay to settle for, as you call it, "a comfort job". You seem like a smart, creative woman and you deserve better! I did summers at an 8 - 5 mind-numbingly boring office job, and knew that it wasn't for me.
    I since became a teacher, and I absolutely love my job. Good luck!
    Anyway, nice to meet you!
